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Our customers themselves own the KTCBank. The shareholders of the bank have the entire right to inspect how the bank is performing. Shareholders can claim their entitled share of dividends every year and have access to any information regarding the profit and loss of the bank which they have the right to know. KTCBank has 55735 "A" Class members as on 31.03.2019. The bank has investments worth Rs 516.33 crore, loans worth Rs 296.24 crore and a working capital of Rs 580.63 crore. The bank also has a capital fund of Rs 36.27 crore. The bank is having a profit of Rs.29204854.69 for the year 2018-19 and the profit share is distributed among its shareholders.
Education loan to meet expenses of higher education.
Loans for purchase of House or Flats.
Fulfil your dream of owning a vehicle